Benefits of Investing online
  • Invest in any scheme through a new folio or invest through your existing folio(s)
  • Redeem units or a specific amount directly to your Bank account.
  • Set up Systematic Plans (SIP, STP, SWP)
  • View your account statements.
So go ahead and experience the world of your very own paperless and personalized online investing. And it is very much safe and secure too.

Invest online 24x7 without any hassles. And its safe too.

Please contact us for any assistance. We will be happy to help you. You can also call us for a personal session with our financial planner.
1.  It will be the sole responsibility of the Investor  who uses the Online facility to ensure that the Username/ Password /PIN  is kept confidential and not revealed / disclosed to any third party, including any person claiming to represent Imperial International. The investor must take all possible care to prevent discovery of the User name/password/PIN by any person.
2. This site can potentially experience technical outages for reasons beyond our immediate control. In such an event, Imperial International will endeavour to restore functionality at the earliest and request you to bear with us. Imperial International and its service providers who support this site will not be liable for direct or indirect loss due to the suspension of services.
3.  Accuracy of Information : The investor  agrees that if he/she  notices any error in the account information supplied to me through the Online facility, he/she shall advise Imperial International of the same as soon as possible. Imperial International shall endeavour to correct the error.  While Imperial International will take all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the statement, Imperial International is not liable for any error. The investor  agrees that he/she  shall hold Imperial International harmless against any loss or damages that may be incurred /suffered by him/her, if the information contained in the online facility is inaccurate/incorrect.